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Job Youth Marketing and Outreach Officer

ID: 247074   0

Youth Marketing and Outreach Officer, Golborne

Salary range: 27872£ per year

Summary information

Position: Youth Marketing and Outreach Officer
Published: 09/01/2025. Relevant to: 08/02/2025
Categories: Creative/Design
Job type: full time
Gender: any
Company: SPID Theatre
  Job from partner

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Description of the job


Tue, Wed, Thurs– 2-7 pm

Please Note: The company may change hours including swapping some Wednesdays for Fridays/ Saturdays depending on the needs of workshops, outreach and events.

Fee £13.40ph x 15hpw = £804 invoiced monthly

Trial period 3 months

Job responsibilities

Targeted sign ups and events for youth programs

On the ground outreaching and encouraging sign ups for youth programs

Consultations and tasters for youth programs

Supporting marketing and outreach for youth programs

Social media

Implementing mail outs and text campaigns for youth programs

Supporting community programs as well as youth programs

Compiling data from sign ups and mailchimp

Phone calls to young people, partners and parents

Desirable Qualities

  • The lived experience of North Kensington communities/ artistic activism/ social housing/community arts
  • Available to start promptly
  • 2 years experience of marketing and outreach in community work
  • Under 30 years old in order to represent our target users

    Application Process

The deadline to apply is midnight Sunday 26.1.25. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to interview and asked to complete a 1 hour task afterwards. Interviews are Tuesday 4th and Thursday 6th February.

Apply to Write to the company with Part time Marketing and Outreach Officer

in the header attaching covering letter and CV

About the company SPID Theatre

Welcome to SPID Theatre, Art that advocates housing justice. SPID specialises in high quality community youth theatre on council estates. Details»

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