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Cataloxy Brook Green...Jobs in Brook GreenCompany jobs GoustoSenior Product Designer

Job Senior Product Designer

ID: 258513   0

Senior Product Designer, Brook Green

Salary range: 45812£ per year

Summary information

Position: Senior Product Designer
Published: 31/01/2025. Relevant to: 14/02/2025
Job type: full time
Gender: any
Company: Gousto
  Job from partner

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Description of the job

Job Description

Our Product Design team is embedded in different tribes and squads, each solving different customer problems (find out more here). We collaborate with our cross-functional team from discovery to delivery, validating our learnings every step of the way with customers. Product Designers work as part of a Product Trio with a Product Manager and an Engineering Lead with a wider team of developers.

Core responsibilities:

  • Own and evolve our design system, ensuring consistency, usability and reusability across products, guiding other designers and engineers in using it
  • Co-shape the vision & strategy for your squad’s product, considering the broader context of the customer experience and the business
  • Drive product discovery by conducting research activities, to uncover problems, opportunities and validate hypotheses
  • Lead the end-to-end design process, validate your solutions with users and customers, using both qualitative and quantitative methods
  • Collaborate with engineers to facilitate high quality delivery at a fast pace
  • Measure the success of your decisions and iterate when needed
  • Ensure success by challenging your team to be insight driven in all they do

Who You Are:

  • You are an expert in managing and evolving design systems to ensure consistency, scalability, and accessibility
  • You are proactive in challenging yourself and your team to improve
  • You thrive when presented with complex, ambiguous problems
  • Proven product design experience, working in a cross-functional team
  • Strong expertise in working with and evolving design systems
  • Experience with data informed design process
  • Experience creating end-to-end flows, prototypes and hi-fi designs
  • Experience mentoring other product designers to drive impact through them and raise the bar in our department

About the company Gousto

. Wholesaler, grocery delivery service

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