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Cataloxy Bishopsgate...Jobs in BishopsgateEntry Level Customer Ambassador

Job Entry Level Customer Ambassador

ID: 283136   0

Entry Level Customer Ambassador, Bishopsgate

Salary range: 26622£ per year

Summary information

Position: Entry Level Customer Ambassador
Published: 01/02/2025. Relevant to: 20/02/2025
Job type: full time
Gender: any
Company: Hireverse
  Job from partner

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Description of the job

We are looking for tenacious, self-motivated individuals that are well-versed in a customer-oriented environment and have a flawless reputation for putting the customer first. The mission of our Entry Level Customer Ambassador is to educate potential customers and donors about the non-profits that we work with and raise their respective profiles in the local community. We emphasize continuous learning and personal development, so there is always someone in your corner to support, help, and hold you accountable to your standards and goals.

What are your day-to-day responsibilities as an Entry Level Customer Ambassador:

  • Deliver an exceptional customer experience - ask questions to understand the customer's core values, encourage open communication and honesty, and provide donation opportunities
  • Meet with customers daily and enter each interaction with the highest degree of courtesy, professionalism, and kindness
  • Track and process new donations, brand awareness initiatives, and de-escalate customer complaints to increase customer satisfaction
  • Maintain a broad working knowledge of our charity partners, outreach programs and goals
  • Participate in daily IN OFFICE training sessions, networking opportunities, and conferences to review and discuss customer satisfaction targets areas for improvement within the customer experience, develop sales techniques, and streamline customer support.
  • Perform other duties as assigned by Senior Management

What skills are we looking for in an Entry Level Customer Ambassador:

  • Empathy, patience, and consistency. When you are an Entry Level Customer Service Manager, you are fully aware that you will help and work with multiple personalities.
  • You must be able to confidently manage all types of customers and scenarios with understanding and the same level of service every time.
  • Adaptability. The best part about working in a people-centric career is no day is ever the same. However, that means you need to be able to roll with the punches, walk into challenges with open arms, and handle surprises with a sense of humor.
  • Clear communication. You say what you mean and mean what you say. It is essential to our charity partners’ core mission. Use authentically positive language, stay engaged, and never walk away without confirming the customer is satisfied with their experience.

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