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Cataloxy Aldgate...Jobs in AldgateCompany jobs Sacco Mann (Leeds)Trade Mark Paralegal

Job Trade Mark Paralegal

ID: 285255   0

Trade Mark Paralegal, Aldgate

Salary range: 35953£ per year

Summary information

Position: Trade Mark Paralegal
Published: 05/02/2025. Relevant to: 19/02/2025
Categories: Legal/Law Related
Job type: full time
Gender: any
Company: Sacco Mann
  Job from partner

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Description of the job

On behalf of our client, a specialist IP practice, we are keen to hear from experienced Trade Mark Paralegals who are exploring their options within the London market. You will be a talented CITMA qualified paralegal with at least 3 years' experience in a comparable IP environment.

This media, technology and IP practice is both impressive and cutting-edge and have seen a period of substantial growth that is borne out of their success and standing. Based out of their central London office you will find a culture that is uniquely balanced between a workplace that is enjoyable and rewarding whilst ensuring an outstanding full IP service to industry heavyweights.

Working with an exceptional team, it's essential that you are naturally proactive and passionate about IP. You must be methodical and organised to thrive here where daily duties are broad and include, preparing and filing applications, managing significant client portfolios and renewals and supporting registry actions such as oppositions, cancellations and recordals.

With direct client contact across all matters, as well as foreign agents, it's imperative that you possess strong interpersonal skills where you can provide an excellent client experience and smoothly manage their expectations.

On offer is a formidable opportunity to develop your career within a truly collaborative team! If this Trade Mark Paralegal role sounds interesting, then please do contact Tim Brown on 0113 467 9798 or via: Write to the company

About the company Sacco Mann

Specialists in Legal and IP Recruitment , SaccoMann Details»

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